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Showing posts from October, 2012
I am a huge foreign language enthusiast. I am proud to know that I grew up in such a diverse country. My parents are not from the same ethnic group, nor the same island. Their native language aren't the same, and not really similar to each other. My mother herself is a daughter of Sundanese father - the largest ethnic group in Indonesia, and  Sleman mother - an ethnic group from the province of Yogyakarta. She prefers to be called a Sundanese, considering she was born, grew up under significant Sundanese culture. In fact, Sundanese - the second largest regional language of Indonesia, is her first language. I was born in Jakarta, a city of 10 million people. Although people all over Indonesia mostly do not speak Indonesian as their first language, and speak a certain regional language first instead, this kind of linguistic tradition is not that common in the city of Jakarta. Indonesian is my first language. ...and Sundanese is my second. Well, I don't activel...

Perguruan Tinggi Mahal, Benarkah?

Saya cukup sebal ketika banyak yang menyatakan bahwa perguruan tinggi itu mahal. Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari acara talkshow di metro tv tentang biaya perguruan tinggi mahal. Di dalam acara tersebut, sorotan utama adalah bahwa harga masuk perguruan tinggi mahal sehingga hanya segelintir orang saja yang mampu menikmatinya. Sehingga, bukanlah hal yang mengagetkan ketika dilihat dari persentase, mahasiswa yang berada dari golongan mampu adalah sekitar 90% lebih. Saya cukup sebal melihat cara media menyampaikannya kepada masyarakat luas dalam acara talkshow itu. Pembahasan mengenai harga PTN mahal menurut saya terlalu dibahas berlebihan dan seolah-olah memojokkan PTN. Seolah-olah, PTN dengan sengaja membuat mahal harga masuknya dengan tujuan mengeruk uang sebanyak-banyaknya. Padahal, menurut saya, harga PTN yang menjadi mahal itu adalah suatu akibat dari kurangnya (atau bahkan mungkin tidak adanya) dana dari pemerintah. Pemerintah merupakan penanggungjawab atas pendidikan bangsa Ind...

Hourglass of Life

In my room there is an hourglass, a gift from my friend Evi Fuji Fauziyah , she was a student of Sundanese Literature Padjadjaran University who had received scholarships for exchange students to Korea at Ajou University in the program ISEP and the United States at Iowa State University in the program IELSP . At first, it was only significant at a gift from my best friend, should I keep and care. Until tonight, I get the deep meaning of the hourglass. All this time I've never measured how minute hourglass will run. Sprinkle sand to sand through the small gap until exhausted. Well, I thought why to do that, less work wrote, yet it also just display just right. Then I imagine if my life like an hourglass, which I did not realize how much time it takes and even left in this life. Grain by grain of sand that life had slid down, indicating that there was a time that has been used, have been exhausted. Up to a point the sand runs out, and finally, we said "RESET" to Go...