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How To Stop (A While Buying Books)?

Lately, I really love to buy books. Everytime I go to Jakarta, Bekasi or places where I can find Gramedia, I’ll take time to visit the bookstore. Even though I know and aware that I still have several unread books, I can’t resist myself to take a book or two with me and bring it home. The Lovely Books Those are books that I haven’t read yet. When I went home last week, I visited Gramedia in Malang while waiting for my travel car. At that time, I’ve already brought The Pillars of The Earth with me to prevent my urge for bringing more books home with me. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. I successfully bought Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Cinta by Ollie, and Un Soir Du Paris . Now, I am having not less than 18 books to read (and I still want to buy several). I keep opening online bookstores to look around some titles. Somehow I don’t count how much money I’ve spent in a month to buy books. From each book I get countless information, imagination, irresistible and rapturous experie

Meja Belajar dan Kerja di Kamar

Ini nih yang bikin saya tidur sampai malem atau pengen pulang sore. Saya suka aja duduk di depan meja ini, buat baca buku atau happy blogging ato internetan. Yang ada di atas meja saya adalah: Tempat air, kalo sewaktu-waktu dehidrasi ato keselek dan butuh minum. Tumpukan toples dan isinya. Yang paling atas itu berisi coklat monggo dari Jogja, yang saya nggak seberapa doyan si sebenernya. Rada pait gitu. Toples ke dua dan ketiga baru dibeli kemaren dari Mita. Isinya kastengel dan kenari yang hmmm….so….yummy. *Mit, kamu harus bayar uang promosi ke aku nih heheh*. Sebenernya camilan ini dibeli untuk menarik perhatianku buat baca dan berlama-lama di meja ^^. Sulit dibedakan, ini program Gemar Membaca atau Gemar Ngemil si sebenernya? Miniatur becak yang dibeli di Tangkuban Perahu. Speaker, karna suara dari laptop rada ngrusak suara aslinya si mas Jason Wade, Shane Fillan, Chris Martin dkk. Kesian uda ganteng-ganteng kalo suaranya terdengar sember. Si maenan bola kaca itu


Bosan! Lagi merasa bosan mampus di kampus. Ga tau mau ngapain biar bosennya bisa hilang. Padahal ga terlalu cape si, kemaren juga pulang (agak) sore jam 17.30. Tidur awal juga. Harusnya hari ini badan seger. Tapi gtau, mood lagi jelek kali ya jadi bawaannya malas dan bosan huhuhu. Enaknya ngapain si kalo bosan gini?


Holiday Syndrome I miss you, my bedroom. I miss lying down on my bed. I miss playing word challenge and browsing something for hours in front of my laptop. I miss sleeping and waking up as late as possible too. I felt so sleepy at 9 am this morning and i just want to close my eyes and fell asleep, nothing else. It is so hard to do everything while feeling drowsy and sleepy. I made a cup of coffee, but it didn’t bring a good effect to help me. All of those feelings is called holiday syndrome.